Saturday, September 22, 2012

USA Today

I'm really liking the giant page carousel on the new redesign of USA Today (as part of their new rebranding). It definitely makes browsing articles by categories a very easy experience.

It seems there has been a few American media website redesigns of late, with This American Life and Good magazine also getting recent makeovers.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This is a bit old, but I only just discovered this video for Skyscrapers by OkGo. What a great celebration of colour! Sexy, in a Helen Mirren way and not Rihanna way.

Where did they find these walls? Who knew you could ballroom dance to OkGo?

The woman dancer (Trish Sie) is also the director and producer. Some people can do it all.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I watched Moonrise Kingdom on the weekend. This is probably my favourite scene from the movie. I can't say I've ever danced in my underwear on a beach, but it is now on my bucket list because it looks like too much fun.

Also loved the art direction for the film, from Suzy's turquoise eye shadow to the custom font created by Jessica Hische (which will be commercially available next year!)