Monday, April 29, 2013

Pick Me Up Festival

Last weekend, I went to the Pick Me Up festival. With every exhibtion that I've seen in London, I'm always blown away with the scale of it and I don't know why considering I am in one of the biggest creative cities in the world. I think there is an understated-ness that comes with being English. 

My phone died that weekend, so I couldn't take any photos of the event. There are so many talented people but my favourite artist of the day was Sarah Vanbelle. I love the unusual red/green combination of her prints (how did she manage to make it look non-Chistmassy) and the retro graphical quality of her work.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wayne Levin

I miss the ocean.

Underwater photographs by Wayne Levin. We so often associate the ocean with expanses of blue, but photographing in black and white gives it a majestic and other-worldly quality. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First impressions of London

One of most remarkable things about London is the ease in getting around. Public transport is plentiful and reliable if overcrowded at peak hour times, and reaches all areas of London. I have yet to have ever wait more than 10mins for a train or bus and this includes late at night. It may be strange to be writing about public transport as being one of the most impressive things, but if you've ever lived in Sydney, you would understand. 

What has also made getting around London really easy, is their maps which are located almost everywhere around important parts of London. It shows you which direction you're walking in and what is available within a 5 min walking radius. Design details which means you never feel completely lost. I have yet to be in a city which does this so well.