Saturday, July 3, 2010

Elsewhere USA

I've just finished reading Elsewhere, USA (2009)by Dalton Conley. Funny and insightful, it looks at contemporary American culture and society and how it has changed since the post-war era.

"The alarm clock sounds again, exactly at 7:00am. Mr. 2009, a marketing consultant, zaps the button quickly: he has already been up for half and hour and showered - the alarm is really just a safety net. He zips up his $250 jeans and his favourite faux-vintage polyester sweat jacket, faded t-shirt and gives himself a glance in the mirror. No need to shave - he only does this every third day, preferring the stubble look ... Besides he's just saved himself ten minutes, which he spends scrollling through his Blackberry to see what messages came in since the last time he checked."

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